Steering Committee Year 12 Term 2

The Conference Shirt Design


Term 2 was another busy planning term as the conference is getting closer. I am still aiming to maintain as well as achieve more of the objectives I set last term.


The first thing we did this term was gain feedback from the 6 members of our steering committee who went to the conference in India to represent the school as regents round square delegates. They informed us about the strengths and weaknesses of the conference, so that we could apply it to our conference as well as avoid making the same mistakes.

In my previous post I mentioned how we found the technique of delegation very useful. This is why when our chairman Amit suggested that we should divide our steering committee into sub-committees I agreed straight away. The sub-committees were the creative committee, barazza committee, entertainment committee, activities committee or the miscellaneous committee. The people in these committees may sometimes have separate meetings but will always report back so that everyone stays involved in every aspect of the conference. I took a risk when I volunteered to be the leader of the creative committee. I felt that I needed to since I hadn’t taken on any major responsibilities during the meetings up until that point. From then on 2 of the other members and I worked mainly on designing the conference t-shirts and making sure everything was ready for them to be ordered.


The difficulties I encountered this term mainly involved the conference shirts. When we presented our original design to the regent’s board they requested that we include some more information on the shirt. This was frustrating because we didn’t know where those things with fit on the design. We overcame this problem by discussing and sketching a few more designs with the help of the school’s marketing director. Another difficulty that we encountered was when the people from India came back and gave us feedback. Many of us were not familiar with the conference elements they were assessing and we had no idea what they were saying. To fix this issue I spoke up and requested that they explain the different concepts so that everyone in the committee could feel included in the discussion. As a result of the mutual understanding everyone contributed ideas.


Next term I will follow up on the conference shirts as well as deal with the other creative elements, such as the conference program. I am reaching more of my objectives because I stepped out of my comfort zone by volunteering myself and I am learning new skills during the process of designing the conference shirts.

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